Thursday, March 26, 2009

Are we spending wisely?

Hello to all my blogging friends. And thank you to all the new followers of JayMan's daily blog. What I would like to discuss is a topic that my business partner had spoken about recently. I would like to know if we are spending our money wisely? Now lets be honest, many people are still spending like crazy considering the economy's currnet condition. And, let's face it, President Obama is trying his best to correct this issue but it will not happen overnight. Now having said that, do you think that those in the entertainment industry and the morbidly wealthy aught to provide the middle class with some financial help. Granted they would not be successful without our help. The middle class is the main source of how the economy survives and here we are the one's who suffer the most.

I have seen many people lose their home and their jobs, in fact a young lady that I worked with said that her father was laid off because his company couldn't afford to pay him anymore. How does that make you feel? I want everyone to leave a comment, tell me what you think should be done. If in fact some of this unnecessary spending should cease. Many people are still running to the malls and places like that, and Im not saying that should stop altogether but maybe learn to budget their more and things could even out. Its tough when you barely have enough money to pay your bills and for individuals like myself and business partner we are juggling alot and its a challenge.

Let me hear your thoughts on this my friends, tell me whats on your mind.

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